
Follow the instructions to install the required dependencies and the package itself.

For advanced users or developers: see the Developer’s Guide section for more information.

Dependencies installation

Common dependencies


sudo apt install build-essential cmake libzmq3-dev \
rapidjson-dev libfmt-dev libhdf5-dev libboost-dev


sudo yum install cmake gcc-c++ zeromq-devel rapidjson-devel \
fmt-devel hdf5-devel boost-devel


Install prebuilt package

Follow the original cppTango manual for Ubuntu. There is only option to build it from source.

Install from source

Install omniORB

Download the omniORB minimal version 4.3.2 from the sourceforge.

Unpack and install:

tar xjvf omniORB.tar.bz2 && cd omniORB-4.3.2
make -j
sudo make install
Install tango-idl

Checkout the source repository and install:

git clone --depth 1 --branch 6.0.2 \
cd tango-idl
cmake -B build
cmake --build build -j
sudo cmake --install build
Install cppTango

Checkout the source repository and install:

git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1 --branch 9.5.0 \
cd cppTango
cmake --build build -j
sudo cmake --install build

Follow the original Tango manual for CentOS. You can either install a pre-built package from MAX-IV repository or build it from source as well.


Install the required dependencies of slsDetectorPackage libraries and build the package from sources:

# clone the library
git clone --depth 1 --branch 8.0.1 \
cd slsDetectorGroup
# maybe you can also set -DSLS_USE_DETECTOR=OFF and
# -DSLS_USE_RECEIVER=OFF if somehow you have to save space
# build the library
cmake --build build -j
# install the library (requires write access to /usr/lib etc)
sudo cmake --install build

CUDA (optional)

Follow the original CUDA manual for your platform.

Package installation

git clone
cd tango-moench
# configure the build files, use Release type for best performance
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
# build the library
cmake --build build -j
# install the library (requires write access to /usr/lib etc)
sudo cmake --install build